A neural network model is proposed to obtain a numerical
description of pain mechanisms. The modeling presented here is based on
the various assumptions made by the results of physiological and anatomi-
cal studies reported in the literature and by ourselves. Those studies,
especially on the neural connections between the neural units concerned in
the pain mechanisms do not give conclusive evidence, and some of the
results are claimed by other investigators. The assumptions used are
unverified for this reason. The quantitative model presented is only a
simplified one and simulates only one directional ascending and descending
pathway for the pain sensation in which peripheral receptors, afferent A,
A 5, and C fibers, and the receptive cells of spinal cord, brain stem,
thalamus, and the cerebral cortex are involved. No interactions from the
lateral adjacent fields such as lateral inhibition and facilitation have been
proposed, and no analytical elucidation of spatial information processing
mechanisms has been made. Only the firing characteristics of the neural
cells related to pain generation are investigated and compared with the
physiological results. Adaptation effect and conduction velocity of neural
fibers are considered in the model, however the fibers in each neural unit
are assumed to have constant conduction velocity and firing threshold.
Model simulation has been carried out for the single square-wave pulse and
the periodic repetitive pulse stimulation applied on peripheral receptors.
The activities of the neural cells of periphery and the upper brain are
represented by Wilson- Cowan's nonlinear differential equation, which
considers the ongoing activity of neurons. Pain sensibility is mainly esti-
mated by the firing activities of the thalamic posterior nuclei group (PO)
and centromedian parafascicular complex (CM-Pf) cells, while the touch
sensibility is estimated by the firing activities of thalamic ventral post-
erolateral nuclei (VPL) cells and the first somatic sensory area (SI) cells in
the cerebral cortex. Fast stinging pain and slow burning pain can be
simulated quite well, and the modality of the graded touch sensation can
also be simulated with this model. The results of the simulation are in good
agreement with some of the physiological studies notwithstanding the
simplified model with some unverified assumptions. It suggests that the
proposed neural network model would be appropriate and available to
obtain many different sensory modalities concerned with not only the pain
but also the tactile mechanisms.
ALL of those who have normal sensibility would often
meet with an unpleasant sensory modality, that is
pain. For human beings, pain is important information
which induces imperative protective reflex and rapid reflex
withdrawal movements. The lack of pain sensibility may
expose them to dangerous events.
Up to now, a large number of physiological and patho-
logical studies on pain mechanisms have been attempted,
and electrocutaneous stimulation has been recently devel-
oped for the release of chronic and acute pain of cancer
disease [1]-[7]. Physiologically, pain is classified into three
types: 1) first pain, or fast pain, is a sharp stinging pain
mediated by small myelinated As fibers, 2) second pain, or
slow pain, is a durable burning pain mediated by un-
myelinated C fibers, and 3) aching pain is continuous dull
pain induced from the viscera and somatic deep tissues.
Concerning the pain mechanisms, there are two opposing
theories: 1) specificity theory proposed by von Frey [8],
which implies the existence of receptors which respond
only to noxious stimulation and projects to its own pain
center in the brain, and 2) pattern theory proposed by
Sinclair and Weddell [9], [10], which holds the spatio-
temporal nerve impulse pattern for pain produced by in-
tense stimulation of nonspecific receptors. This means there
are no specific fibers and no specific endings for pain
sensation. Both theories, however, do not sufficiently agree
with the physiological aspects on pain modality. In 1965 an
attempt to harmonize these theories was made by Melzack
and Wall [11]. A new theory proposed by them, the gate
control theory, suggests that spatio-temporal impulse pat-
terns transmitted from large and small peripheral afferent
fibers are modulated in the spinal cord system, and the
modulated afferent patterns determine pain modality in
the transmission cells in the dorsal horn, from which the
pain sensation is projected towards the brain.
Further observations have been made concerning the
physiology of pain; however, the pain mechanisms have
not yet been elucidated, and the quantitative analysis of
pain conduction has never been done. In the present study,
we propose a neural network model of pain mechanisms
and try to obtain the numerical description of pain modal-
ity including the touch sensation by the computer simula-
tion. The model is designed mainly for the ascending
pathways facilitated by the cutaneous stimulation. Visceral
and deep somatic pain-conducting pathways are consid-
ered to be identical with those of cutaneous somatic affer-
ent system.
A. Model of Peripheral Nerves
Pain receptors are free nerve endings which generate the
discharges associated with pain sensation. They are
conducted by myelinated As and unmyelinated C fibers in
the peripheral afferent nerve systems and are transmitted
on the lateral spinothalamic tract of spinal cord and
thalamus. According to the gate control theory [ 1], it
could be assumed that AP fibers, which respond to touch,
pressure, or tension, also participate in the pain mecha-
nisms. In fact pain sensation can be reduced by applying
light pressure or vibration. The receptors for such sensation
are Pacini's corpuscles, Merkel's corpuscles, or Meissner's
corpuscles. Excessive input of such mechanical or thermal
stimuli, or so-called nociceptive stimuli, induces the firing
of pain receptors. In cases where the electrical stimulus is
applied, almost all receptors are excited. Hillman and Wall
suggested that some of Rexed's lamina V spinal cord cells
in dorsal horn responded to mechanical and electrical
stimulations [12]. In addition, electrical stimulation on the
afferent pathways results indicated that lamina V cells
might be fired polysynaptically by large myelinated fibers
(A.) and monosynaptically by small myelinated fibers
(As ).
Receptor population, which innervates only one neural
fiber, is called the receptive field. On the contrary, stimula-
tion on a receptive field does not always activate a single
specified fiber. It means that the superposition of neu-
rarchy exists in the peripheral tissue. Since it could be
postulated that the peripheral nerves would homoge-
neously distribute in the specified cutaneous tissues, they
might be represented as a "neural unit" which activates
with the large-scale activity suggested by Wilson and Cowan
[13]. According to Johnson [14], the effective stimulus
intensity I(r) on quickly adapting afferent fibers is esti-
mated by the relationship,
1(r) {(2/r)l9.I,
r . 2 mm
r > 2 mm
where I is the vibratory amplitude at the center of tactile
stimulation probe with a 2-mm diameter tip, and r is a
distance from the center of probe. His estimation suggests
that the peripheral receptors might be spatially distributed
in the tissue from the corresponding single neural fiber,
and the input stimulus would be spatially dispersed in the
tissue. However, the effective stimulus intensity involved
the totally integrated skin mechanisms which were depen-
dent on the distribution of receptor population, stimulus
attenuation, stress distribution in the skin as well as the
successive recruitment of fibers. As he mentioned, direct
observations on neural populations are rarely possible, and
the lack of an effective description of skin mechanics
prevents predicting the basic relationships determining the
afferent response to the more complex tactile stimulation.
The problem of reconstructing the activity in a population
of neural elements from the characteristics of individual
elements is not unlike the problem of reconstructing the
behavior of a gas from the laws governing the behavior of
individual molecules that is the original problem of statisti-
cal mechanics. It is a very common case to postulate a
Gaussian distribution for the neural population as pro-
posed on the visual receptor distribution [15]. Williams also
mentioned that Gaussian distributions are common in biol-
ogy and several continuous distributions can be fitted by
Gaussian functions [16]. Regarding the Johnson's distribu-
tion, the response characteristic beneath the probe showed
inconstant and not so definite as represented by the above
equation. Distribution profile of the neural response versus
distance from the center probe showed a great variability
and it could be also represented by the Gaussian distribu-
tion. On the other hand, stress distribution in the cuta-
neous tissue varies with the degree of mechanical deforma-
tion and it resembles a Gaussian distribution when an
intensive force is applied [17]. Noncontact stimulation such
as thermal radiation or contact electrical stimulation de-
livers different characteristics of the stimulus intensity from
those of Johnson's distribution into the cutaneous pain
receptors and the effective stimulus intensity will be more
widely spread. Brennen reported that an approximately
exponential current-distance relationship was assumed for
the transcutaneous stimulating strip electrode but that the
dependence of skin-electrode impedance on current density
distorts the exponential characteristic [18].
In our model, therefore, we postulate the distribution of
peripheral receptors as the following Gaussian distribution
(Fig. 1) though it is not certainly substantiated:
Hence, the effective spatio-temporal stimulus intensity into
the neural fibers at any given point xm will be provided by
the convolution integral of the receptor distribution and
input intensity
S(Xm, t) =j AJX(x, t)-(xm -X) dX. (3)
After receiving the stimulus intensity S(xm, t), each pe-
ripheral neural unit corresponding to A, A,,, or C afferent
activates itself. In this study, the Wilson-Cowan's neural
equation was applied to represent the activities of the
neural units [13], considering the ongoing activity [12] as
)' dt -FJ
+ (1- rJF)
+ exp{t-v1(S, oi))
In the larger diameter fiber it shows the higher conduction
velocity, the lower threshold and the more adaptation.
Willis et al. observed that the low threshold spinothalamic
tract neuron adapted to the mechanical stimuli [19]. It
could be inferred from the physiological aspect [20] that
the adaptation would have occurred through the accumu-
lation of sodium ions (Na+) inside the nerve cells and in
consequence by the elevation of firing threshold of them.
Hence the adaptation phenomenon of neural unit could be
represented by the following equation, modified from the
Stein's equation [21],
Oji = Oi +ki(xil -Xi2)
dxi - F
dxi2 = Fi - iXi2' (5)
In (4) and (5), i = 1, 2, and 3 which correspond to AP, A6,
and C fibers.
In the model, conduction velocity of each fiber is also
considered only within the peripheral afferents towards the
spinal cord area. According to Georgopoulos [22], conduc-
tion velocities of afferent A3, A , , and C fibers were mea-
sured as v = 25 - 80 m/s, v, = 3 - 40 m/s, and v, =
0.08 - 1 m/s, respectively. Pomeranz et al. also observed
that v = 50 - 77 m/s, v, = 8.5 - 12 m/s, and v, = 1.1
- 1.4 m/s [23]. Ganong represented in his publication that
v=30-70 m/s, v, =12-30 m/s, and v=0.5 -2
m/s [24]. Although the conduction velocities of peripheral
afferent fibers are widely distributed, we assume the veloci-
ties to be constant as v, = 70 m/s, v, = 7 in/s and
VC = 1.4 m/s for the simplification of the model and that
the distance between the periphery and spinal cord cells is
0.35 m.
B. Model of Spinal Cord Cells and the Upper Brain
Model construction of the central neural system of pain
conduction is based on the physiological investigations
mentioned below, involving some assumptions. Central
neural units associated with pain sensation are classified
into four major segments; spinal cord, brain stem, thala-
mus, and cerebral cortex. We simplify the description of
the neural pathways from peripheral receptive fields to-
wards the upper brain, as shown in Fig. 2, that may be
appropriate and useful for the analysis of pain mecha-
nisms. In the figure, symbol =- represents the excitatory
interaction and -' the inhibitory interaction as well.
Spinal Cord Cells: Melzack and Wall suggested that
stimulation of peripheral tissues evoked nerve impulses
which were transmitted to three spinal cord systems; (1)
cells of substantia gelatinosa (SG) in the dorsal horn, (2)
dorsal column fibers that projected towards the brain, and
(3) first transmission cells in the dorsal horn [11]. Accord-
ing to Hillman et al. [12], low threshold afferent A. fibers
may end first on Rexed's lamina IV cells in dorsal horn
which in turn excite lamina V cells, and there are some
interneurons in lamina II and III cells which postsynapti-
cally and in part presynaptically inhibit lamina V cells.
Substantia gelatinosa and transmission (T) cells may be
equivalent to lamina II/III and V cells respectively so that
T and IV cells are presumably inhibited by SG cells. It was
anatomically observed that there were axo-dendritic syn-
apses between SG cells and IV cells [25], and it was
physiologically observed that inhibitory postsynaptic
potential evoked in lamina IV and V cells [26], [27]. In
addition, the existence of other inhibitory interneurons was
observed in the dorsal horn, which gave rise to the inhibi-
tion effect on IV and V cells, in which inhibitory postsyn-
aptic potentials were evoked by the electrical stimulation of
low threshold afferent myelinated fibers [1], [26]. It sug-
gests that the inhibitory interneurons (15) bring the double
postsynaptic inhibition on T cells. Hence
A# IV= T,A= SG -* IV, SG -T,
A#=:> I5-* IV, andIs5- T.
On the other hand the windup phenomenon which is
represented by Price et al. [1], occurred through the C
fibers' stimulation may be due to the postsynaptic facilita-
tion of lamina V cells. It means that there are some
excitatory interneurons in dorsal horn (E) which bring the
progressive increase in number and frequency of spikes of
the lamina V transmission (T) cells evoked by the stimula-
tion of high threshold fibers. There also exists a large
number of lamina V cells which directly respond to the
stimulation of both myelinated and unmyelinated nocicep-
tive afferent fibers [12], [23]. In contrast, the activities of
the SG cells are inhibited by the stimulation of small
diameter fibers, however it is not clear whether the inhibi-
tion is caused by the inhibitory postsynaptic interneurons
(14) or by the inhibitory presynaptic interactions of the
afferent fibers [28], [29]. In our model, we assume that A8
and C fibers terminate to SG cells via the postsynaptic 14
interneurons as suggested by Yokota [30]. Hence,
A8=E,C=*E= T,A86 =T,
Co T,A8==I4,and C=I4-* SG.
Ascending Pathway of the Central Neural System above
Spinal Cord: Based on the detailed consideration of various
physiological references, we conclude and assume that the
receptive neural cells may be dorsal column nuclei (DCN),
mesencephalic reticular formation (MRF) and bulbar retic-
ular gigantocellular nucleus (BRF-GC) in the brain stem,
ventral posterolateral nuclei (VPL), posterior nuclei (PO),
and centromedian parafascicular complex (CM-Pf) in the
thalamus, and SI, second somatic sensory area (SII) and
the cortical associated area with SI and SII in the cerebral
cortex (H).
The lemniscal system responds to mechanical stimuli
such as touch, pressure, and vibration, which is rapidly
transmitted by large myelinated fibers. DCN in this path-
way receives the peripheral large afferent (A.) fibers and
project on the centrolateral ventrobasal nuclear complex
(VB) of the thalamus. The axons of VPL of VB terminate
in the somatic sensory area SI and SII of the cerebral
cortex. VPL responds to the cutaneous mechanical stimuli
and kinetic stress in deep tissues but not to pain or noxious
stimuli [31], [32]. Thus,
BRF-GC receive the synaptic connection from lamina V
(T) cells and they are regarded as a kind of translator
towards the centromedian cells (CM) in the thalamus.
Spinothalamic afferents from the spinal cord region reach
the MRF through the adjacent fields of bulbar reticular
formation and transmit the afferent information towards
the thalamus. The spinothalamic pathway may terminate
on PO through MRF and projects on the cortical area,
probably on SII and partly on SI. PO cells located in the
hind region of VB are activated by mechanical and noxious
stimuli. Scientists researching the physiological and
anatomical aspects mentioned [32]-[36] hold that PO cells
serve for the conduction and perception of pain and partly
for tactile mechanisms. Poggio and Mountcastle especially
have stated; ".. whereas the cells of VB are responsive to
highly specific mechanical stimuli delivered to the skin,
those of PO are in the majority sensitive to noxious stimuli.
While VB neurons are modality specific, those of PO may
be responsive to very diverse types of stimuli, and fre-
quently the same cell may respond to light mechanical
stimulation of one part of its respective field, to noxious
stimulation of another part of the field." [36]. Hence, we
assume in our model
T => BRF-GC, T==> MRF == PO => SII and PO SI.
On the other hand, afferent input from BRF-GC pro-
jects on the thalamic intralaminar nuclei including CM-Pf
which then evokes pain sensation [32], [33]. It may be
considered that the burning pain (slow pain) is served by
this pathway. Facilitation of CM-Pf may be brought about
directly and indirectly through projection on the associated
area with SI and SII in the H. Stimulation of the thalamic
intralaminar nuclei CM-Pf facilitates VPL and SI. Recipro-
cally stimulation of VPL and SI results in the inhibition of
the thalamic intralaminar nuclei [35], [37]. Thus it may be
postulated that VPL intervenes between CM-Pf and H as
well as SI as follows,
BRF-GC = CM-Pf = H, CM-Pf =: VPL =* H,
and VPL = SI -* CM-Pf.
Descending Pathway: Descending systems also par-
ticipate in the control of pain conduction. Pain sensation
depends not only on the ascending inputs but also on the
feedback information from the upper brain towards the
dorsal horn. Electrical stimulation on MRF induces inhibi-
tion of the activity of lamina V cells that results in a
powerful analgesia [38]. Similarly the presence of tonic or
evoked inhibitory effects on dorsal horn interneurons has
been reported to derive from the somatosensory and orbital
cortex [39], [40], the pyramidal tract [41], and the brain
stem [42]-[44]. In higher mammals many cells of the
cerebral cortex can directly influence spinal cord cells via
the pyramidal tract [38] the origin of which exists in the
somatosensory cortex SI, SII, and the motor cortex [45]. In
the cat spinal cord, the pyramidal tract (PT) terminates
predominantly in the dorsal horn and most of the PT fibers
terminate in laminae IV and VI. PT stimulation was found
to inhibit most of the lamina IV cells and to excite most of
the lamina VI cells; it exerted more evenly mixed effects in
lamina V [41], [43]. Cortical stimulation was also shown to
evoke a depolarization in certain afferent fibers and thereby
to inhibit sensory input presynaptically [39], [46]. This
depolarization was measured as a negative dorsal root
potential, however intracellular recording was clearly nec-
essary to test for postsynaptic inhibition in these cells.
Lundberg has stated ".. it is possible that the proportion
of interneurons in the spinal cord that receive IPSP's from
the sensorimotor cortex is larger than found in our first
investigation [47]." Further search for inhibitory postsyn-
aptic effects evoked by pyramidal tract stimulation in
lamina IV cells seems desirable before the relative impor-
tance of pre- and postsynaptic inhibition can be assessed.
Kusama et al. anatomically investigated the projections of
cerebral cortices and reported that the first motor (MI) and
SI and SII projected markedly to the central part of the
posterior horn in the lower spinal cord which was the area
between the substantia gelatinosa and the lamina IV [45].
Rethelyi and Szentagothai also found anatomically the
synaptic complexes of the dorsal horn cells with the pyra-
midal tract fibers. They reported that descending spinal
pathways would have excellent opportunity to get into
synaptic contact with the dendritic branches of the pyra-
midal cells and with the substantia gelatinosa. Their
anatomical diagram also showed that forward conduction
from the SG was secured by large neurons of lamina IV the
dendrites of which were embedded into the neuropil of the
SG [48].
As mentioned above, lamina IV and V cells are inhibited
by the pyramidal tract feedback loop, thus we assume a
descending system connected between the associated area
of SI and SII (H) and T cells through the interneurons SG
and inhibitory interneurons in the dorsal horn (15) as in
the following,
MRF= I5- T,H=SG-* T, and H=I5- T.
On the other hand, conditional stimulation of SII evokes
the facilitation of MRF, and the electrical repetitive stimu-
lation of the motor cortex which is projected from the
somatic sensory area results in the excitation of the bulbar
reticular formation [49], [50]. In contrast, dissection of SI
results in the prolongation of discharges of VPL for the
peripheral gentle mechanical stimuli. In the lemniscal sys-
tem, DCN is also indirectly projected back from the somatic
sensory area SI [32]. Kusama et al. studied, using the
Nauta-Gyrax or its modified method, on the projections of
the somatosensory areas in the lateral surfaces of the cortex
of a cat: medial and lateral parts of cronal gyri (SI) project
mostly to the VPL cells and the posterior part of the SI
also projects fibers to the cuneate nucleus of DCN [45].
Andersen et al. recorded extracellularly the spike responses
of cuneate neurons in DCN of the anesthetized cats to the
electrical stimulation of a sensorimotor cortex. They ob-
served that the responses evoked in the cuneate neurons of
DCN were depressed by descending volleys from the
sensorimotor cortex [39]. Jones and Powell showed
anatomically, using the Nauta technique that corticotha-
lamic fibers returning from SI and SII are distributed in an
organized manner to the VB cells of a cat. Heavy terminal
degeneration fills both the lateral VPL and the medial
nucleus ventralis posteromedialis (VPM) subdivisions of
the nucleus ventralis posterior [51]. Iwama and Yamamoto
physiologically studied the evoked responses of the thalamic
somatosensory relay nucleus in VB, which corresponded to
the cells in VPL and VPM, to electrical stimulation applied
to the somatosensory cortex. They observed that the corti-
cally induced action was inhibitory upon the thalamic-
evoked potentials [52]. These anatomical and physiological
findings suggest that the lemniscal negative feedbacks from
SI serve the regulation of spike discharges in DCN and
VPL cells as in the following,
SII ==* MRF, SII =* BRF-GC, SI -- DCN, and SI -* VPL.
Pain and touch sensations are served by these neural
cells, each of which may participate as a "neural unit" with
the large scale activity in the sensation. In our model
analysis large-scale activities of the neural units are repre-
sented by the Wilson-Cowan's differential equation, in-
volving the ongoing activity of neurons as follows,
dFi _ __+ (I -rF)1 e {i
dt - J±(1- IJ~ + exp {-vPj(C1® rj; - o1)}
where i = j = 1 - 18, which correspond to Al, A,, and C
fibers, SG, 14, 15, IV, T, E, BRF-GC, MRF, CM-Pf, DCN,
P0, H, VPL, SI and SII cells, respectively. By defining
(1)- (6) now, our neural network model is completely
Computer simulation of the overall model for pain and
tactile mechanisms has been made on a HITAC 8800/8700
digital computer (Hitachi Manufacturing Company), using
the fourth-order Runge-Kutta method to solve the nonlin-
ear differential neural equations. The simulation program
was written in Fortran.
Parameter determination has been carried out on a trial
and error basis by using the iterative method of model
simulation. The values of various parameters except the
conduction velocity, refractory period, and membrane time
constant are not based on the counterpart physiological
data. They are merely substituted to produce an optimal
fitting of the empirical data to the model behavior. The
coupling coefficients iCj especially, have been roughly de-
termined to represent the degree of inhibition and excita-
tion since they have not been experimentally verified in
current physiological and anatomical investigations.
The precise procedure of parameter determination is as
follows. 1) The firing threshold (0i) and the coupling
coefficient (jCj) are important parameters to dominate the
firing modalities of the whole neural units. Since the other
parameters exert less influence on model behavior, the
values of a, ain,I1, vi have been arbitrarily determined.
Input stimulus intensity and stimulus frequency have been
chosen at Ao = 30 - 200 and f(t) = 10 - 500 pps for the
iterative examination of model parameters. Refractory
period ri and membrane time constant yi are about 1 ms
and 5 ms, respectively, which are physiologically substanti-
ated [13], [24].
2) Adaptation phenomenon of peripheral afferent fibers
can be simulated by applying the set of first-order differen-
tial equations (4) and (5) in which the stability of the
steady-state solution depends on the values of ai, /Pi, ij,
and ki. According to the Routh-Hurwitz criterion the
stable solution is given under the following condition for
ki > 0 [21],
k((ai + Pi ) [aipi + (aXi + Pi + l/HIil=iK_ 7)
ki ((Xi- Pi)Fi*(l -Fi*)IAi =K
where ai < fPi and Fj* = firing rates at the steady state.
If ki< Ki, overdamped decreases and damped oscilla-
tory changes in firing rate are observed to step changes in
the input. Adaptation of firing activity regarded as the
overdamped increase of firing threshold and decrease of
firing rates can be simulated fitfully when this condition
and the following empirically derived relationships [53] are
fulfilled: 1) Ki > ki, 2) ai, Pi « ki, 3) the differences be-
tween fPi and ai, (Pif- ai) should be a few, and 4) the
product of a, and /3i, (ai. fi) should be fairly large.
3) Determination of the firing thresholds 0i is based on
the following criteria. a) Firing thresholds of the neural
units representing the peripheral afferent A., A., and C
fibers conform to the physiological relation that the larger
diameter fiber shows the lower threshold, thus 0, < 02 < 03.
b) Neural units concerning the tactile mechanism should
have lower thresholds than those for pain sensation since
they respond to low stimulus intensity. c) Firing thresholds
of the neural units constituting the excitatory interaction
should rather be lower than those for inhibition because no
response to an unexpected dangerous input would be
transmitted to the central nervous system if inhibition
exceeds in the excitation.
4) After the parameter determination mentioned above
the coupling coefficents iCj have been decided in conform-
ity with the following criteria and procedures. a) Neural
units on the lemniscal system respond to nonnoxious low
stimuli and transmit the tactile information to cortical
cells. The coupling coefficients on this pathway 13CI, 13CI7,
15CI6, 16CI3, 16CI7, 17CI6, 18C16, have been determined so as
to simulate that the firing modalities of DCN, VPL, and SI
rates of these units should gradually increase with the
graded elevation of low input intensity. On the determina-
tion of these coefficients the others must be all zero in
order to investigate only the conduction of tactile informa-
tion. b) Some dominant factors producing analgesia have
been known [54]. The most simple case is caused by the
deficiency or injury of small nociceptive, primary afferent
fibers, which can be simulated by setting the coupling
coefficients 5C2, 5C3, 8C2, 8C3, 9C2, and 9C3 as zero. Under
this condition the other coupling coefficients 4C, 6C1, 7C1,
7C4, 7C6, 8C4, 8C6 and 8C7 representing the degree of
excitatory and inhibitory connections between A#, SG, IV,
I5 and T cells are determined so as to simulate analgesia.
That is, the firing rates of T cells must be very few or
hardly occurred even if continuous high stimuli supramax-
imal for C fibers are applied. c) In contrast, the deficiency
or damage of large nonnociceptive primary afferent fibers
would be one of the cause-producing hyperalgesia which
can be simulated by setting the coupling coefficients 4C,,
6CI, and 7C, as zero. It results in no transmission of the
input on A. fibers and no inhibition from SG and I5 on T
cells. In consequense, firing rates of T cells are extremely
increased by As and C fibers' facilitation even if low
intensity input supraliminal for A. fibers is applied. Under
this condition the coupling coefficients between small
primary afferent A., C fibers, and spinal cord cells, 8C2,
8C3, 8C9, 9C2, and 9C3 are determined so as to simulate
hyperalgesia. d) By using the coefficients given above,
another group of coupling coefficients 4C5,5 C2, and 5C3
which represent the inhibitory connections between periph-
eral nociceptive afferents and SG cells, are determined.
Meanwhile the firing activity of T cells is iteratively checked
whether it shows the desirable response modality regarding
touch and pain sensation for the graded increasement of
stimulus intensity. e) The coupling coefficients on the
spinothalamic and cortical pathway I C8, l C18, 14C11, 17CI4,
and 18C,4 are determined so as to simulate the first pain
modality in MRF, PO, and SII cells which should show
high firing rates when high stimulus intensity supraliminal
for A. fibers but subliminal for C fibers is applied. Simi-
larly the coupling coefficients I0C85 ,0C185 12C105 12C179
15C12, and 16C12 interacted between BRF-GC, CM-Pf, and
cortical cells are also determined in order that these cells
may show the firing modality of second pain when very
high stimulus intensity supramaximal for C fibers is ap-
plied. f) The coupling coefficients of the feedback system
from the upper brain to the spinal cord cells 4C15, 6C11,
and 6C15 are determined by changing the values of these
coefficients and 7CI so as to simulate that the excitatory
and inhibitory inputs to IV cells should optimally facilitate
T cells for the low stimulus intensity. g) After the initial set
up of all coupling coefficients, the response characteristics
of each neural unit are examined by applying various pulse
stimulation. Furthermore, the coupling coefficients are ad-
justed to produce an optimal fitting of the empirical data
to the model behavior regarding tactile and pain sensation
units show the tactile modalities. It means that the firing
on a trial and error basis.
From the results of preliminary iterative examination,
parameters of the model have been decided as
a = ain=4,7 = 1,Xo=Xm= 5,
al= 40,131= 60,k= 3000, a2= 20,132= 25, k2= 500,
ri = Ims, ij = 5 ms, vi = I (i = 1 - 18),
01 = 07 08 = 09= 6 11 = 014= 4, 02= 7, 03
= 12,04 = 05=
06 =10 = 5, 012 = 6, 013 015 = 016 = 017 = 018 =3,
4CI= 5,4C5= -30,4CI = 5,5C2= 30,5C3
= 80, 6CI = 10,
6CII =5, 6CI5 = 9, 7CI = 40, 7C4 =-19 7C6
--2,8C2= 10,
8C3 =60, 8C4 =-10, 8C6 =-5, 8C7=10, 8C9
- 10, 9C2= 10,
9C3= 80, 10C8= 5, I0C18= 2, 1C8= 8, lIC18
2, 12CIO= 17,
12C17 =-5, 13CI = 30, 13C17 = -5, 14CI = 6, 15CI2= 4,
= 2, 16CI2 = 5, 16C13 = 8, 16CI7 - -5, 17CI4 = 2,
17CI6 = 4, 18CI4 = 3, and 18CI6 = 3.
For simplifying the model we postulate that the same
spatial variance a is applied for each of A., A,, and C
fibers. The temporal mode of input stimulus is given by
where tp is stimulus pulse width and T is stimulus pulse
In the model we regard the excessive increasement of
neural activities (firing rates) of T, PO, and CM-Pf cells as
the occurrence of the pain sensation in these cells. PO cells
respond to not only the pain but also the mechanical
stimulation. However it may be postulated that the so-called
fast stinging pain is perceived in the PO cells and projected
to the somatic sensory area of the cerebral cortex SII. The
subsequent slow burning pain is mainly perceived in the
CM-Pf cells and projected to the cortical associated area H
when high stimulus intensity is applied. On the other hand,
sensations such as touch, tension, or vibration are evoked
in VPL cells and projected to the somatic sensory area SI.
The results of model simulation have been obtained for
the single square-wave pulse and the periodic pulse se-
quence stimulations applied on peripheral tissues. Single
pulse stimulation used to be carried out for the physiologi-
cal investigations of neural activities participating in the
sensory mechanisms.
A. Response of Neural Units to Single Pulse Stimulation
Fig. 3(a)-(d) show the temporal patterns of the firing
rate of the neural units when the peripheral tissues are
stimulated with a single square-wave pulse of 1 ms width at
t = 0. Amplitudes of the stimulation are Ao = 60, 100,
140, and 180, respectively. Maximum firing rate of each
neural unit given by (4) and (6) becomes 1.0. In each figure
it can be seen that there is an absence of firing activity of T
cells just after the stimulation. The brief latency period to
the initial burst is about 5 ms which is equivalent to the A
fibers' conduction time from periphery to the spinal cord T
cells. The duration and the amount of firing rate of the
initial burst of T cells are increasing with the elevation of
stimulus intensity and this approaches the maximum when
high intensity is applied. Maximum duration time of the
initial burst is about 27 ms as shown in Fig. 4. For the low
stimulus intensity, firing activity of the thalamic PO cells
does not appear so much, and particularly the activity of
CM-Pf cells hardly occurs because of no facilitation of C
fibers and the negative feedback from the upper brain. The
inhibitory period of about 20-30 ms after the stimulation
subsequent to the initial burst is caused by the inhibition
effects of SG and 15 cells on T cells as well as the
adaptation ofA fibers.
In the case where the stimulus intensity is increased
above A, threshold, a secondary low burst of T cells
appears at about 50 ms, which is equivalent to the conduc-
tion time of A, afferents from the periphery towards the
spinal cord system. The activity of PO cells slightly in-
creases but is not enough for the pain sensation as can be
seen in Fig. 3(b). The stimulus intensities used for the
stimulation given in Fig 3(a)-(c) are not sufficiently high
enough to activate C fibers so that the firing of CM-Pf cells
hardly occurs. When high stimulus intensity above C fiber-
threshold is applied (Fig. 3(d)), large firing activities of T
and PO cells and slight increasing of the activity of CM-Pf
cells appear at about 250 ms after the stimulation, of which
period is equivalent to the conduction time of C fibers
between the periphery and the spinal cord cells. In con-
trast, the firing of VPL cells appears soon after the stimu-
lation with the same temporal modality as the initial burst
of T cells. It may be supposed that the mechano-perception
has occurred at the moment of stimulation with a short
From the results mentioned, relationships between the
applied stimulus intensity and the duration as well as the
maximum firing rate of the initial burst of T cells are
shown in Fig. 4 where the duration time corresponds to the
period in which the firing rate of T cells is maintained
above 0.04. The lowest peripheral stimulus intensity needed
for the firing of 0.04 of T cells is assumed to be about
Ao 30 from Fig. 4(a). The duration and the maximum
firing rate of the initial burst increase with the elevation of
stimulus intensity over the low range of it and approach a
plateau in the high range of it. Maximum firing rate and
maximum duration of the initial burst are 27 ms and 0.41,
On the other hand, Fig. 5 shows the relationships be-
tween the stimulus intensity of a single electrical pulse and
the number of firing spikes as well as the duration of the
initial burst of spinothalamic tract cells which correspond
to Rexed's lamina IV-V cells (IV or T cells in our model).
The stimulation was applied to the peripheral sural and
plantar nerves of hindlimb of macca luta. These relation-
ships are inferred from the results reported by Foreman et
al. [55], which are rewritten for the comparison of those
with our model experiment. In the figure, 0 = 1 on the
horizontal line represents the nerve threshold which in turn
corresponds to the lowest stimulus intensity needed for
excitation of those cells. The number of spike discharges
increases with the increasing of stimulus intensity and
approaches a plateau when the strong stimuli over 25 X 0
on sural nerve as well as 10 X 0 on plantar nerve are
applied. Physiological results concerned with the duration
of spike discharges have been obtained only for sural nerve
stimulation. The characteristic is quite similar to the rela-
tionship shown in Fig. 4(b), that is, the duration of the
initial burst increases with the increasing of stimulus inten-
sity and approaches a plateau (27 ms) when the stimulus
above 20 X 0 is applied. Comparison of the physiological
results and the data of model simulation represented in
Figs. 4 and 5 provide a good similarity for the relationships
between stimulus intensity and the firing activity as well as
the duration of the initial burst of T cells.
B. Responses of Neural Units to Periodic Repetitive Pulse
As shown in Fig. 3, a sudden application of noxious
stimuli to the peripheral tissues will result in the occurrence
of a sharp and fast stinging pain (first pain) followed by a
second burning pain of about few hundred milliseconds
later. First pain has epicritic characteristics in that it is
brief and it may be mainly affected by the fast conducting
large fibers, A. fibers. On the other hand, second pain is
characterized as protopathic sensibility in that it is diffuse
or poorly localized and often long lasting with longer
latency. Second pain may be related to the impulses travel-
ing in C fibers. Such modality becomes still more remark-
able when the repetitive pulse stimulation is carried out.
Fig. 6 shows the typical firing patterns of neural cells
with respect to pain sensation, which is obtained on condi-
tion that stimulus intensity Ao = 120, stimulus frequency
f = 300 pps, and the pulsewidth is 1 ms. It can be seen that
fast elevation of the initial firing bursts of T, VPL, and PO
cells occurs soon after the beginning of stimulation. The
initial firing of each cell is caused by the transmitted
impulses of A,B fibers, of which modality represents that the
mechanical perception such as touch or vibration may be
induced in the cells and projected to the upper brain.
Particularly, a very high rate of firing of VPL cells associ-
ated with touch sensation can be observed at the initial
phase of the temporal pattern. A high rate of the initial
firing bursts of T and VPL cells, however, drastically
decreases because of the adaptation of A. fibers, inhibition
from the adjacent cells, and the negative feedback from the
upper brain. At about 50 ms after the stimulation, the
activities of T and PO cells are again increased by the
conduction of A. fibers' excitation. In particular, the firing
rate of PO cells comes up to a peak at 120 ms. It suggests
that fast pain may be evoked in PO cells and projected on
the cerebral cortex. After a while or 250 ms later from the
beginning of stimulation, these cells are facilitated by the
conduction of C fibers-excitation. It must be noticed here
that CM-Pf cells are abruptly activated though they have
not provoked so high a rate of firings till then. At this time
sensation of slow burning pain appears in CM-Pf cells as
well as in PO cells and is projected mainly on H and SII
As mentioned, the SI in the cerebral cortex receives the
projection from VPL and PO cells and perceives mainly the
information of mechanical stimuli and partially that of
sharp stinging pain. This aspect can be seen in the initial
phase of Fig. 6(b) between 10 and 80 ms. On the other
hand SIT receives the projection from PO cells more strongly
than from the others and increases the firing rate after 250
ms in the same manner that the associated area H of the
cerebral cortex is facilitated by the projection from CM-Pf
cells. In consequence slow burning pain is certainly per-
ceived on these cortical cells. From the results of Fig. 6, it
is easily supposed that pain sensation is evoked by apply-
ing a certain grade of stimulus intensity and high frequency.
Increasing of stimulus intensity results in the facilitation of
C fibers that leads to the occurrence of secondary burning
Fig. 7(a) and (b) show the temporal patterns of firing
rates of the neural cells for Ao = 140, f= 200 pps and
pw 1 Ims. Particular points of the characteristics differ
compared with the former results in that more elevation of
firing rates than those of Fig. 6 can be found in CM-Pf and
H cells, evoked through the increasing of C fibers' activity
because of the higher input intensity. As fibers are also
intensely facilitated so that the firing rates of PO and SII
cells increase between 50 and 80 ms. This suggests that the
fast stinging pain and the slow burning pain would be
perceived more intensely in the cerebral cortex. In contrast
the initial firing bursts of VPL and SI cells are rather
reduced at 10 - 20 ms because of the lower frequency
stimulation in that the firing burst of AA fibers does not so
much accumulate and exerts less affect on VPL cells.
Fig. 8 shows the results of model simulation examined
for the different stimulus frequencies f = 50 pps and 100
pps as compared with the results of Fig. 7 for f = 200 pps.
First, the interesting firing modality of T cells can be seen
as follows: the transmission of impulses from A fibers
directly facilitate the lamina IV cells and indirectly facili-
tate T cells through IV cells. At the same time, SG and 15
cells inhibit IV and T cells, and in addition, adaptation of
A. fibers and the indirect negative feedback of the descend-
ing system reduces the activity of T cells. Thus, the firing
burst of T cells is decreased between 10 and 45 ms as
shown in the figures. Adaptation effect of A,- fibers can be
recognized by observing the firing pattern of VPL cells
which receive the intense projection from A. fibers. The
succeeding impulses transmitted on Ad fibers enhance the
activity of T cells at 45 ms and at the same time SG cells
are inhibited by 14 cells that results in the relief of inhibi-
tion of SG cells to T cells. After 100 ms, periodic change of
firing rate syncronized with the stimulus interval occurs in
T cells and it lasts until 250 ms. At 250 ms, the succeeding
very few impulses transmitted on C fibers affect on T cells
and facilitate their activities.
The firing pattern of VPL cells seems almost similar to
those of A fibers when low stimulus frequency is applied.
In contrast, PO cells are affected by the firing burst of A.
fibers at 60 ms and by C fibers at 260 ms. It must be
noticed here that fort = 50 pps, the firing rate of PO cells
changes with a slight fluctuation of the same periodicity as
the stimulus interval Fig. 8. However, for f = 100 pps the
firing rate of PO cells shows a frequency fluctuation lower
than stimulus frequency. That is, the frequency demultipli-
cation phenomenon occurs at 40 115 ms and after 250
ms. In the figures, the firing patterns of cortical cells are
not represented but their activities are enhanced by in-
creasing of the stimulus frequency.
From the results mentioned above we can recognize that
in the case of low stimulus frequency despite relatively high
intensity, firing rates of PO and CM-Pf cells are very few
and secondary burning pain may not be perceived, but the
weak stinging pain or the graded intensity of touch sensa-
tion from the different low stimulus frequency may be
perceived. As a matter of course, the stimulation by grad-
ing stimulus intensity gives about the same modality as
pain and touch sensation.
This paper presents a neural network model which
simulates the conduction mechanism of pain sensation. As
shown in Fig. 3 and Figs. 6-8, each temporal firing patter
mimics the modalities of pain and touch sensations. Similar
modalities of firing discharges to those of the model simu-
lation can be found in the physiological literatures: Price et
al., studied the intracellular responses of dorsal horn cells
(Rexed's lamina IV-VI cells) of cat to cutaneous and sural
nerve A and C fiber stimuli [1]. Short latency (5 -10Ims),
postsynaptic potential, and spike responses were evoked by
low-intensity nerve stimulation of single electrical shock.
Increasing stimulus intensity to excite both A and C nerve
fibers elicited both short latency and long latency (> 200
ms) postsynaptic potential sequences and prolonged dis-
charges in the dorsal horn cells. Increase in the cell dis-
charge rate with repetitive stimulation supramaximal for A
fibers was observed. Progressive depolarizations and
successive increases in spike discharges were evoked by the
repetitive stimulation maximal for C fibers. Menetrey et al.
also studied extracellular recordings for response proper-
ties of dorsal horn cells (lamina I-IV) of rat to nonnoxious
and noxious stimuli [3]. A large number of cells responded
with short latency and short duration bursts of activity to
low intensities of transcutaneous single electrical stimula-
tion. A high percentage of the cells showed an additional
late response when the intensity and the duration of the
peripheral electrical stimulation were increased. In the
majority of cases the late response presented two clear
components with respective latencies of maximal discharge
of approximately 200 and 300 ms. Supramaximal stimula-
tion induced a progressive increase in the latencies of the
late components of responses which were due to C fiber
input. Post-stimulus histograms of the spike discharges
(firing rates) were very similar to those obtained by Price et
al. [1], Hillman et al. [12], Willis et al. [19], Foreman et al.
[55] as were the results of our model simulation. LeBlanc
and Gatipon extracellularly recorded the response char-
acteristics of single neurons in the gigantocellular nucleus
of medial bulboreticular formation (BRF-GC) of a cat to
electrical stimulation. This consisted of a supramaximal
pulse train at a frequency of 80 Hz which was sufficient to
activate small fiber activity in the sural nerve [2]. With the
repetitive electrical stimulation some neurons showed a
windup phenomenon characterized by a progressive in-
crease in firing rate and duration of their response. A serial
tachogram of interspike intervals recorded from some neu-
rons showed a decrease in the interspike intervals (increase
in firing rates) and the succeeding periodic fluctuation of
firing rates during the application of successive pulse train
stimulation. Poggio and Mountcastle studied the functional
properties of ventrobasal thalamic neurons in unanesthe-
tized monkeys and observed extracellular responses of VPL
cells to repetitive electrical stimuli applied on the periph-
eral receptive field [31]. Responses of VPL cells followed
the stimuli to rates of 100 - 200 Hz with great fidelity. At
or above these rates, the cells failed to respond to every
stimulus. However with further increases in the frequency
of stimulation there is no further increase in the frequency
of nerve cell response. The functional relation between the
frequency of neuronal discharges and the frequency of
stimulation showed a power function the exponent of
which was less than one.
The model however represents the actual neural path-
ways very simply and therefore has some limitations in
showing the whole mechanisms of complex pain genera-
tion. Some of the points that give rise to discussion include
the following. First, the model parameters used are de-
termined to simulate analgesia, hyperalgesia, and the other
pain modality after the iterative examination of the param-
eter values. Analgesia can be simulated by the deficiency
and the excessive decreasing of coupling coefficients or by
the excessive elevation of firing thresholds of A6 and C
fibers. Hyperalgesia can also be simulated by the same
abnormality of A,3 fibers [56]. The parameters such as the
firing threshold and coupling coefficient are not unitarily
defined as so-called parameters but are one of them. The
decided parameters are relatively appropriate to simulate
the pain mechanism but are unphysiological for the strict
representation of the neural properties. In our model the
conduction velocity and firing threshold of each neural
fiber have been assumed to be constant. The distribution of
the different diameters have been physiologically observed
in each class of afferent fiber which in turn correlates
closely to the conduction velocity and the firing threshold.
It could be supposed that a difference of conduction
velocities would result in the distribution of central delays
of evoked responses, and that the prolonged discharges of
spinal cord cells would occur through the successive firing
conduction with different velocities through the multisyn-
aptic connection. Physiological experiments [12], [55]
showed that lamina IV and V cells responding to single
stimulus evoked an initial high frequency burst of impulses
lasting 25 - 30 ms with short latency (5 - 6 ms) followed
by low frequency discharges with a little longer latency of
30 - 40 ms. Furthermore a prolonged low frequency dis-
charge lasted several hundred milliseconds following a
silent period of 100 - 250 ms. When the stimulus intensity
was raised to a level to excite C fibers, the cells in lamina
IV and V responded with long latency (200 - 475 ms)
discharges. These discharges often consisted of two or three
high frequency bursts of spikes separated by silent periods.
Low frequency prolonged discharges lasting several
hundred milliseconds could also be observed in some neu-
rons responding to C fiber stimulation. According to Price
[57], stimulus to A fibers evoked a brief latency burst of
spikes, about a 50 ms pause and then a low frequency
discharge. When C fibers were additionally stimulated,
high frequency prolonged discharges occurred at latencies
greater than 200 ms. Our model experiment however could
not simulate the prolonged discharges lasting a few hundred
milliseconds but only those of about 50 ms. The latency
period and the duration of initial burst evoked by AA fiber
stimulation and those of the secondary burst evoked by As
fibers are simulated in good agreement compared with the
physiological results as shown in Fig. 3. The model realiza-
tion of the prolonged discharge evoked by C fibers is
considered to include the distributions of the conduction
velocity and the firing threshold of these fibers in the
In addition there are few reports in the research litera-
ture giving specific evidence on the pathway that small
fibers (A,, C) ascend in the marginal cells of the dorsal
horn (lamina I) and terminate through the medulla in
several thalamic regions [58], [59]. The pain pathway via
lamina I responding only to noxious stimuli is omitted in
our model.
The results of model simulation showed the firing char-
acteristics of the central neural cells projected from the
specified location x = xm of peripheral receptors. As can
be seen in Fig. 2, the proposed neural network model
represents only one directional ascending and descending
pathway. No interactions of the lateral adjacent fields such
as lateral inhibition and facilitation in the higher regions
than spinal cord have been proposed. In spite of the
simplified model of the vertically arranged networks, the
characteristic of two point discrimination (TPDT) can be
sufficiently but not relatively well simulated, which will be
presented in a succeeding study. For the more precise
simulation of TPDT, or of the well-localized sharp stinging
first pain and the diffuse localized second burning pain,
the model must be reformed by introducing lateral inhibi-
tions and facilitations into the network. Laterally an
arranged feedback system must also be considered in the
model in order to mimic the descending control from the
upper brain, which mainly serves the important inhibitory
interactions. Lateral inhibitions have been observed on the
afferent pathways: 1) from the dorsal horn of the spinal
cord toward the dorsal column nuclei (DCN), 2) from
DCN toward the ventrobasal nuclear complex and 3) in
the somatic sensory area SI and SII. There would be some
complicated synaptic relays in the central system. However
it is even now unknown what interactions are formed on
the ascending and descending pathways and how those are
formed. Physiological and anatomical investigations are
underway for the analytical elucidation of the spatial infor-
mation processing mechanism of somatic sensations such
as TPDT, phantom sensation, and phantom limb pain.
Pain impulse is evoked by any given noxious stimulation
and transmitted through the complex afferent pathways
into the upper brain. Some chemical substances are involved
in the pain sensation generation process. One type of
chemical substance is pain inducing such as Bradykinin or
Histamine through chemical response to noxious stimula-
tion. Pain control substances such as Enkephalin or En-
dorphin suppress the transmission of pain information on
the synapses of afferent pathways. These chemical reac-
tions are very important in the pain mechanisms especially
those related to inflammation, however the model realiza-
tion of that chemical process has not been carried out in
this paper. A control model of the chemical reactions will
also be required for the precise representation of pain
From the results of computer simulation it could be
concluded that the proposed neural network model would
be appropriate and useful for the quantitative analysis of
pain mechanisms. The model mimics the pain modality
quite well, and the results are in good agreement with some
of physiological results. Further discussions concerned with
the response characteristics of the neural cells which can be
described by Steven's power law and with the so-called
pain threshold characteristic will be given in a succeeding
((x) Spatial Gaussian distribution of peripheral recep-
a Spatial variance of the receptor distribution.
ain Spatial variance of the spread decrease in the input
A1n Input stimulus intensity.
Ao Amplitude of stimulus.
f(t) Temporal mode of stimulus.
x, X Distance from an arbitrary point in the receptive
field to the corresponding peripheral afferent fiber.
x0 Center position of stimulation probe.
S, Si Effective spatio-temporal stimulus intensity.
'0 Attenuation of input intensity through the periph-
eral tissue.
yi Neuronal membrane time constant.
Fi Neural unit activity.
ri Absolute refractory period.
vi Sensitivity coefficient of neural response to the
9* Threshold of neural unit which varies with adapta-
tion effect.
Oi Constant threshold of the neural unit.
ki Factor determining the extent of the adaptation.
xii State variable representing the variation of excit-
ability due to the outward Na+ current from the
neural cell.
i i
State variable representing the variation of excit-
ability due to the inward Na+ current from the
outside of neural cell.
,8i The rate constants of the Na+ pump transitions.
Conduction velocity of A., fiber.
Conduction velocity of A. fiber.
Conduction velocity of C fiber.
Coupling coefficient from j to i neural unit.
The authors wish to express their gratitude to Prof. T.
Suzuki of Keio University, Japan and to Prof. H. Nakahama
of Tohoku University, Japan for the valuable suggestions
and encouragement of the study.
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